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[colorforth] jpeg decoder

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Dirk Harms-Merbitz wrote:

> This is why I think that network support is so important for colorForth.
> Linux is already the smallest solution that is compatible with everything.
> Why don't we come up with our own lossy encoding scheme for pictures?
> We don't have to be compatible when a Linux based proxy can be used to
> convert web images into our format.

Perhaps you could explain his proxy. I'm not very knowledgeable about

Does this esentially make colorForth dependent on linux? Isn't this what
we are tring to avoid?

I agree linux is the most compatible free operating system. Certainly not
the most compact, not even close!

I believe a colorForth operating system can deal everything we need to
deal with, and can fit on a single floppy, source included. Jpeg is the
most common image format, and I believe we need to at least have the
capability to decode them.



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