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[ColorForth] pre-parsed source and code sharing


Previously some comments were made that the pre-parsed format of
colorForth inhibits code sharing. I believe it really improves code

Firstly, differences in style are minimized. The character set is minimal,
so variances in naming style are minimal. Only the first word of a name is
put in the dictionary. So prefixed names are effectively 
discouraged. There is no white space, so there can be no difference in
white space conventions. Words are only lower case, so there can be no
difference in case conventions.

The blocks further improve code sharing, shadow blocks provide a standard
way documenting your code. Blocks also encourage a modular style of
application development.

Lastly, the operators of colorForth improve code sharing. Control
structures like 'if ... then' 'for ... next' 'begin ... end' only allow a
byte displacement. This forces you factor highley nested code, it also
improves the ability for someone to read your code.

This is all I could think of at the moment, I'm interested in the counter
argument, for ASCII against pre-parsed.



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