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[ColorForth] Chuck Moore to do presentation on OKAD II in Color Forth 4/14

Dear ColorForth list readers:

Chuck gave a very interesting presentation today.  He said very
little about the chips he has been working on other than to mention
one by name, X18, and explain that it has an 18 bit bus and will
interface to 18 bit SRAM chips.  He also mentioned that he had
significantly underestimated the speed available in .18u in his
presentation last year and that he was very excited about the new

He mostly talked about OKAD II.  There is a line between his
ColorForth and his app, OKAD II, and he mostly talked about the
OKAD II script code and how it is different than the Forth code.

He did correct one mistake I made after the presentation by mentioning
that his IF in ColorForth works like his IF in MachineForth and is
the equivalent of DUP IF in traditional Forth.  I had thought that he
had gone back to a traditional IF but it does not drop the item that
it tests.

His stand alone ColorForth and OKAD II take up more than 50K and
less than 100K on the floppy disk and there are some new utility
programs to support the greater use of GDSII compatible descriptions
of the chip.  One nice consequence is that the description of the
chip has dropped for a few megabytes to a few kilobytes.  These
were the kinds of details that Chuck talked about.  He said that
he could also talk about ColorForth or the chips but that he
would do that at another presentation.

Jeff Fox

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