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[ColorForth] Code sharing

Updated list with additions and explanation of service provided.

If anyone is missed, I apologize. Please add any omissions.

Everyone is free to post this on their web site, but until it is
posted/linked from Chuck or Jeff's sites, it will have limited visibility.
Is this a desirable bug or a feature? My intention is to make it as widely
available as possible.


         colorForth Web Index:

home and basics: http://www.colorforth.com
latest source & binary: ftp://ftp.ultratechnology.com/
background & theory: http://ultratechnology.com/
public forum: http://sleepless-night.com/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/ColorForth
color.blk 1.0 in HTML: http://www.merlintec.com/download/color.html
latest CVS: http://somebody_volunteer_CVS_support.org
from Linux: http://www.oakland.edu/~maslicke/colorforth/
^^^^^^^^ see explanation below
zipped build kits: http://www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/ModProg.htm
email lists: http://pringle.sphosting.com/lists.html
^^^^^^^ intructions on how/where to join forth email lists


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Slicker" <maslicke@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "ColorForth List Member" <ColorForth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 1:54 PM
Subject: [ColorForth] Code sharing

<snip old list>

> Might be nice to have a maintained web site, this might result in less
> confusion. Perhaps the mailing list could serve as the wiki, and useful
> things could be posted to the site. If no one else is interested, I could
> maintain this.
> I think some relevent information should be posted about working on the
> colorForth kernel with Linux. Perhaps my source conversion tool could be
> listed, and sources synced to different releases of colorForth. I also
> have some useful development scripts too, one is for compiling color.com
> and copying the source and data blocks, the other writes colorForth
> floppies.
> Mark

Terry Loveall


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