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[colorforth] Hello, World! and other simple programs

--- Jeff Fox <fox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The : nemit ( n [ n...] .. ) for emit next ;
> seems very poor style instead of word like TYPE
> that takes an address and count.  Or better yet,
> the address of a packed and counted string.
> Putting each character on the stack first as
> in : hello, 46 3 12 12 4 [ 20 cap ] 6 nemit ;
> is just not how a stack should be used.

I agree.  I based my code upon how Chuck defined his 'logo' word, so maybe you
should ask him.  :-)

There is another word, 'string', that is used in some of the other blocks.  It
appears to be the Right Way to do this, along with a TYPE-like word, but it
isn't working out for me yet.

> make a word that works like ."  except
> compile the display-inlined-packed-string
> subroutine followed by a packed counted string
> compiled into the cells that follow the
> subroutine call.

The current colorForth doesn't provide any easy way to write "parsing words",
as far as I can tell.  Maybe if someone could create a simple example of how to
unpack characters, it would be helpful.

> I haven't played with your wiki pages.  Perhaps it
> would be good if a wiki like archive for the mail
> lists could be created.  This message will go out
> to all list members and then they have a copy but
> there is not an archive on the mail lists themselves
> anywhere.

Everyone is welcome to use my wiki.  Edit the pages, add new pages, upload
files, whatever.  It is currently focused on Quartus Forth, but if there is
sufficient interest, I wouldn't mind creating a ColorForth subwiki.

-- Kris

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