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[ColorForth] Trying to understand Chucks IDE code.


I was looking at Chuck's IDE controller code and I
was having a little trouble understanding what was
going on.

In review here is the code (Note I'm using [R] and
[G] for the color change tokens.)

[R]bsy [G]1f7 p@ 80 and if bsy ; then ; 
[R]rdy [G]1f7 p@ 8 and if 1f0 a! 256 ; then rdy ; 
[R]sector [G]1f3 a! swap p!+ /8 p!+ /8 p!+ /8 e0 or
p!+ drop p!+ drop 4 * ; 
[R]read [G]20 sector 256 for rdy insw next drop ; 
[R]write [G]bsy 30 sector 256 for rdy outsw next drop

What is really puzzling me is the "sector" word.
The first thing it does is store 1F3 into the address
register and then it does a swap.  But what is it
swapping?  When sector is used, for example in the
"read" word it is first passed a value of 20.  But
that's only one value on the stack.  Am I to assume
that "read" already has a value being passed into it?
Also I'm curious as to the stack effect of p!+.


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