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[ColorForth] Mandelbrot Set


I don't know how to get the source blocks out of colorforth in order to
post them. Could someone explain it to me? I wouldn't know how to get
them back in either.

I got a NOT FOUND message when I tried to look at your attempt. Is it in
colorforth and are you talking about using floating point and a mouse in


On Sunday 14 October 2001 07:55, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I've put my attempt here:
> http://www.oakland.edu/~maslicke/mandelbrot
> I'm not yet happy with the result though, I'll probably make these
> improvements:
> * floating point, for infinite (practically) zoom
> * mouse based navigation, keyboard is very clunky
> * incremental redraw? better user feedback
> I also get a bit of noise in the drawing, it's probably my use of fixed
> point.
> Could you possibly post the source blocks (raw binary)? It's lot easier to
> try it out that way.
> Mark


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