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[ColorForth] "serial" USB (was: Re: Why I'm Here)

Thank you for your response, Mr. Sanford.

Sorry, I didn't communicate properly (bad habit of mine). 

I meant if it was possible to use a PC's existing USB ports in a "limited
fashion" by ditching most of the "standard" (e.g. multiple devices, etc.) around
USB and most of its "supporting software" so it would act [and perform] much
like a high speed serial port. Frankly, I am not pleased with the delays
encountered with full USB implementations (despite its higher overall
throughput) for real-time applications, and I have several items in mind I'd
like to connect to my computer without this delay if all possible.

I am also hoping that in the process of "limiting" the USB implementation to
roughly that of a high speed serial port, that as you had also addressed for me
indirectly, the modifications required of my existing "serial" based equipment
would be very minimal.

Any thoughts on this?

On the subject of the 25x, which you addressed...I, too, could fully appreciate
full USB implementation on the 25x (with no real qualms at this point). Assuming
of course, that this is where others are interested as well.

Thanks for your time.

Best regards,
-- Art

PS: Is anyone else finding they are having trouble posting? I have posted
several replies and haven't seen them return to inbox from the list server. 

I don't seem to have this problem anywhere else, so I am wondering if it just

Mr. Sanford wrote:
> Being indepentant is great if you can get everything you want, but
> if you want to print your code, attach a keyboard, attach a mouse
> etc .... USB is at least a single port that allows one to get access to
> a wide variety of standard peripherals that should support almost
> everyones interest.  Serial or parallel ports are much easier to design

<< -- response continued -- >>

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