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[ColorForth] OS is Not a Dirty Word

Jeff Fox wrote:
> "Kurt B. Kaiser" wrote:
> > Solution? Start over again with hindsight.
> Sure.  And systems have things that lock out
> changes.  Everything is so dependent on everything
> else that events in punctuated equalibrium are
> very rare.

The little mammals evolve and insinuate themselves into the environment.
They are everywhere, waiting. (Read: we insinuate our datagrams into the
> I used to think evolution, erosion, depostion,
> etc. mold the planet very slowly.  After millions
> of years you see change.  I didn't conisider
> how every few million years POW something comes
> down from the sky, punches a hole in the crust and
> breaks it, the skin peals back, the crust moves
> all around and instantly you have a whole new
> planet that soon locks into another "stable"
> phase where nothing much can change.
> We have the potential for POW with a technology
> this radical.  We have the opportunity to
> start over right if the key locks can be broken.
> And it scares the hell out of a lot of people.
> It also excites us.

Well, I don't know if we'll get a cataclysmic event. Maybe a superwormvirus?
But if traffic builds enough, and it makes sense to build our own network
backbones which don't support TCP/IP, and that will _look_ like a cataclysmic
event in hindsight =)
> But we also face the soundbyte, "You can't start
> over, you must make evolutionary changes."

What you guys are doing is certainly not evolutionary.  Iligimiti non

Regards, KBK
   K u r t    B.   K a i s e r
   k b k @@ s h o r e .. n e t

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