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[ColorForth] Forth on the Mac? (was: Re: USB and other serial ...)

Mr. Johnson wrote:
> It's unfortunate, too.  All the new Macs will boot from Firewire no
> problem (Forth to the rescue!).
Actually, Macs already have a form of Forth in them, in the form of "Open
Firmware". Suns, in particular, also use this.

But, as you already know, the real opposition to putting something like a
version of colorForth on the Mac is the lack of any real documentation
describing its hardware and internal software (that being largely Open

Apple has a number of tech notes on Open Firmware, but they [naturally] leave
out all the important stuff we need.

My only thoughts that if anyone was actually interested in this if
we...erk...dissect a portion of an existing source tree for PPC Linux or some
derivative (e.g. Yellow Dog).

Best regards,
-- Art

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