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[ColorForth] USB and other serial bit boffing

Myron Plichota wrote:
> I can contibute the DOS utility I have written (in NASM) to overwrite an LBA
> hard disk from the MBR onwards with a binary file if anyone wants it. It is
> hardcoded to use a fixed filename and runs off of a standard DOS 6.2 or Win95
> system-formatted floppy. It can be easily modified by anyone with NASM.

Yes, I'd like to see that!

> Finally, has anyone translated colorForth source to NASM syntax? I don't have
> any MASM references and don't understand stuff like @@b: as a label in
> Chuck's source (for starters).

It's an "anonymous label" which allows you to branch back or forward to the
nearest @@: without inventing a label name.

   K u r t    B.   K a i s e r
   k b k @@ s h o r e .. n e t


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