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[ColorForth] reinventing the internet?

Roger Ivie wrote:
> The primary reason for using UDP for video is that the data has a
> really short useful lifespan. Losing video data isn't important
> because
> there's another frame arriving shortly after this one; it makes more
> sense to toss a frame with a missing data than try to recover the
> lost data.
That makes sense. Thanks.
> Most applications are more interested in ensuring that all of the data
> actually arrives at the destination. In a file transfer, 
> you can't toss
> a chunk of the file just because it was lost in the network. In a
> video application, a data loss just means a short glitch in the
> picture.

So why is it a better idea to place the packet sorting,
timeout, and do requests for retransmission at the lower
level instead of at the level of applications that
might need it?   Just that abstration at a lower level
will have benefits?

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