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[ColorForth] drawing task

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Bob Shafer wrote:

> I guess I'll take a stab at answering this since no one else has....
> Unless I'm misunderstanding you (which is not unlikely :-), all you have to 
> do is define a word that uses "show" in it. Everything from "show" on will 
> become the new display task, when the word that contains it is executed. 
> Some of the example applications show how this works; I forget which 
> ones... most all of them, probably.
> I think the word "ok" is usually the one that contains the "show". At least 
> one of the apps discusses this a little in its shadow (comment) screen.

show specifies what to draw, which is seperate from the actual the drawing
task. Drawing is done in a buffer which is copied by the drawing task to
the frame buffer. What might work is if I just loop indefinitely in my
drawing function specified to show. Then I can draw with the video card
functions without the drawing task erasing everything. I guess I'll give
it a shot. It would be nice if I could replace the drawing task entirely
so I can compile applications with the new drawing functions, and test
more easily.



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