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[colorforth] Game of Life

I've got a rudimentary "game of life" going in colorForth. It takes somewhat less than two screens, and doesn't yet have a keyboard interface (which ought to be straightforward to add). My last bug was due to a misunderstanding of /mod; I thought it would return "quotient remainder", but it returns "remainder quotient". Took me a while to discover that was the issue. :-)

I'm not entirely happy with what I've got going. It seems to me that I should be able to get what I've currently got going into just one screen. Part of the problem is that there are boundary conditions, and I don't think I've discovered the clearest way of handling them yet.

But, it does seem to be working properly relative to what I want it to do. Another factoring session or two, and I'll see about dumping it as PNG graphics or something, and posting it somewhere, if anyone is interested.

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