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At 03:01 PM 5/11/02 -0400, you wrote:
I'm pretty happy with colorForth, if I could make it simpler or better in
someway I might create my own colorForth, but I'd probably sugest my ideas
to Chuck Moore first. I think it provides a good focal point for a
colorForth community to develop. It would take me much to long to write
all the code I would like to use under colorForth. My hope is that some
skilled colorForthers come forward and tackle some of the projects Chuck
has sugested. I'm working on a jpeg decoder at the moment, it should be
usefull in a web browser or just general image viewing.

I'm looking forward to seeing some networking stuff, because then
I might start to be able to do something useful. I'd really love
writing (and using) a simple telnet client, for example. That is
assuming I can improve my colorForth skills a bit more.

Currently, I'm trying to program Conway's game of life, and don't
have it working yet. It's only half a screen, so far. When it's done,
it shouldn't be much larger, except I'm planning to add a menu (keyboard)
for it, and that might get me into a second screen. But first I have to
figure out why it makes colorForth reboot. :-)

My strategy, next time I sit down to it, is to start rewriting it on a
fresh screen, writing the code in an order and form that allows me to
test each definition as I go, so I don't again end up where I'm at now.

BTW to Mark: Thanks for the mandelbrot code! I keyed it in a while back
(my first real use of the editor: it took me a couple of evenings to do)
and it worked great (after I figured out that I'd encoded hex as decimal
(or was it vice versa?)). The only disk I had that on has since gone bad,
but I still have the printout.

Also, just wanted to mention that there are at least two bad results
of mine revealed above, for which Chuck has explicitly suggested
good practices to help ward off. In particular, interactive testing
as you go and a stack of diskettes for saving each day's colorForth
work. ------------------------

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