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[ColorForth] temporary memory allocation

I don't know about elegant, but a practical way might be to figure out
what blocks are free and just use them explicitly. If the spirit of
colorForth is extreme simplicity then a mark stack sounds like overkill
to me. If you need an extra stack to keep track of memory allocations
maybe you should rethink your original problem instead and find a
simpler solution.


On Sunday 28 April 2002 07:35, you wrote:
> It seems an elegant way to do temporary memory allocation is to write to
> the dictionary space and use 'mark' and 'empty' to allocate and free
> regions of memory. However, this would require a mark stack, to make sure
> you didn't eliminate previous marks. Does this seems like a good idea? or
> is there a better way? In practice the mark stack would not need to be
> very deep.
> Mark
> ------------------------

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