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[colorforth] colorForth varients


Your plan for a port to Windows is good. Please try to get it
to run on several different versions of Windows at least,
especially the ones on my old machines. ;-)

As a stand-alone db server colorForth as os is nearly ideal,
and a user interface could run on any other system or on
that system.  But it sounds like your client wants to be
able to market a product that runs under windows and
thus the obvious reason to put a colorForth in windows.

Despite my dislike for mswindows (tm) as a programming env
I understand the needs there.  I like the idea of a colorforth
that works like Chuck's as much as possible, and integrated 
at some level in to that external os.

People might expect me to complain because it isn't a Forth
OS like Chuck's stuff or the stuff I prefer on forth chips.
But I don't think that everyone needs to try something new,
or use Chuck's os or whatever. And there is no MS windows 
option available for my chip or even gcc and all that c stuff.
I looked at it years ago and said, gcc doesn't like my chip.  
So my options have been to try to write complete systems in 
Forth like Chuck.  That has been much of my focus and what 
I prefer, but as long as your having fun and proposing doing
something interesting I think it sounds good.

I have some other thoughts about it but I think WinColorForth
is a good name for what you have described doing.  I don't
think anyone will complain about the name.

Keep us informed and certainly post any links to source,
object, descriptions, whatever.

best wishes,
Jeff Fox------------------------

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