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[colorforth] Game of Life online

On Mon, 20 May 2002, I wrote:

... about new version Game of Life online, at


where I said that there was a "blk" file now, to ease getting the app
going in other colorForths. Unfortunately, I actually had the wrong disk
(the DOS one with the PNG file on it) in the Linux box, not the colorForth
disk, when I dd'd the blocks off. I just now noticed this, and have
already uploaded the (hopefully!) correct blk file, and hope no one
happened to grab the wrong one or, if they did, I hope they weren't
befuddled by the results, which were presumably _not_ a valid colorForth

I thinks perhaps I should get in the habit of labelling diskettes or
something, since this is not the first time lately that a diskette has
been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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