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[colorforth] Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor - Manuals

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Myron Plichota wrote:

> NASM is free. It pains me to read about folks struggling with
> incompatible syntax trying to get colorforth source to assemble under
> substitute assemblers to what Chuck Moore used. Why not cut it over to
> NASM and be done with it? For various reasons, I am not offering do it
> myself, but I would still like to see it done and believe that it would
> benefit the colorforth community by at least providing a common software
> development tool. The hardware incompatibilities between different
> floppy disk controllers and graphics display chipsets would remain as
> implementation issues in any case :(

I have ported the source code to GNU assembler, which is also a fine
assembler. There is no stuggle to compile the source. I did this since I
use a Unix(debian) environment. If Chuck was willing to use NASM, it
would not be that much trouble for me to port the source to NASM. This
would be great as well, since it would put us all on the same
page. Otherwise I see no compelling reason to convert to NASM. There is
already two incompatible versions, no sense in creating another one or
replacing one incompatable version for another. No benefit.



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