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[colorforth] Graphic compability

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Alex Thiel wrote:

> How about using int 13h to read the first track off the floppy while still in 
> real mode. The floppy driver could then be implemented in colorForth and 
> compiled from a block <18. That would make room in the boot sector, plus the 
> floppy driver can be modified without having to recompile the kernel.
> I will try and write some floppy code in colorForth this weekend.

Sounds worthwile. Although I was initially quite impressed with with boot
sector code, this is probably much easier and more reliable way to
bootstrap. Also here is something Chuck wrote earlier to the list:

Just load the appropriate blocks?
     Yes. I dream of a minimal system with the user downloading blocks
according to hardware configuration and application. This requires a
facility to relocate blocks and their references, which is unresolved.

So perhaps the right floppy driver can be download for your system,
instead one which handles all possible cases? It seems like an idea worth
pursuing, unless I overestimate the floppy compatability problem.


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