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[colorforth] Graphic compability

On Friday 28 June 2002 18:35, Mark Slicker wrote:
> Sounds worthwile. Although I was initially quite impressed with with boot
> sector code, this is probably much easier and more reliable way to
> bootstrap. Also here is something Chuck wrote earlier to the list:
> "
> Just load the appropriate blocks?
>      Yes. I dream of a minimal system with the user downloading blocks
> according to hardware configuration and application. This requires a
> facility to relocate blocks and their references, which is unresolved.
> "
> So perhaps the right floppy driver can be download for your system,
> instead one which handles all possible cases? It seems like an idea worth
> pursuing, unless I overestimate the floppy compatability problem.

I guess you can write a minimal floppy driver that works with most hardware, 
maybe it even fits in the boot sector. It's more a matter of concept: the 
colorForth kernel should be minimal, and as much as possible should be done 
in Forth.

As I do not have much experience in Forth or writing hardware drivers I chose 
to tackle the floppy driver since it seems quite simple, and I have a working 
example in the kernel. I am not sure if I can do it, but I guess I will learn 
a great deal :-)



> Mark
> ------------------------


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