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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

Don't know who else has noticed this, but there is an operational 32-bit FPC
style Forth written in NASM for Linux available at:

Name is Isforth by Mark I Manning IV.

Compiled and ran Isforth from the linux command line, so it is an operational
source package. Has build support for linux, macros and data/code definitions
for working examples.

Using this and Chuck's MASM source it should be relatively easy to port
colorForth to NASM. Don't have time to do it myself these days, but would help
with any public efforts.

At that point you could
a) generate colorForth from either DOS/Win or linux,
b) port colorForth to Linux to run under either the VGA framebuffer and/or
c) ????

Terry Loveall

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