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Hello António

On 09-Jul-02, you wrote:

> I just think that it's because REBOL seems to be based on a stack engine,
> for what I could learned from it.... Anyway, whatever the way one puts it,
> one always arrive to the fact that RPN is the most simple way to interact
> with a computing device... (FWIK)

I used to be on the Rebol Beta team on the very early days.  Just testing
and providing feedback.

I talked to Carl Sassenrath about the similarities to Forth.  He admitted he
had used Forth a lot and liked it.  I think he has even written a Forth as
he has many other languages.
I think he has taken the best from many langauges to write Rebol.  It's
really nice.

By the way, if you don't know who he is, he wrote the multi-tasking part of
the OS and I think the Exec for the AmigaOS back in '83/84.


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