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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, John Drake wrote:

> Hello all,
> There is merit to both sharing ColorForth as "blocks"
> and sharing ColorForth in some "portable format"
> whether that format is ASCII or something else.
> Think of people like me who dabble with Enth/Flux.
> ColorForth only works on some of the systems I have
> access to, whereas Enth/Flux works on everything
> and the learning curve for me is smaller.  It would
> be nice to be able to move code between the two
> systems.  Plus ASCII is needed if you want to post
> ColorForth code on a web page unless you're going
> to go with PNG.  (Funny that no one objects to PNG
> the same way they object to JPEG.  *grin*)  Having
> an ASCII import/export utility would be nice IMHO.

Posting just blocks seems fine to me. I usually post html too, so people
know what their getting. It's not to be portable, just at the moment
people are likely be using a browser to download blocks.

In colorForth people will have a builtin viewer, so html become

I don't see why ASCII is prefered for interchange over blocks. It is easy
to convert automatically to ASCII or any other format when given the
source block.

You said Enth/Flux works on everything, what's the secret? Is there
something colorForth can learn?



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