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[colorforth] Success...my first boot screen

Hello t

On 09-Jul-02, you wrote:

> On Tuesday, July 9, 2002 Martin wrote:
>> So the big question is...why does Terry Loveall's and Sean Pringles
>> Color-like Forth's work fine with the floppy, but Chuck's ColorForth has
>> problems.
> The reason that Seans Nth color forth boots consitently is that he uses
> Int 13h BIOS calls. The reason my color forths have disk I/O is the use of
> DOS file I/O. Chuck's colorForth uses direct register writes to the
> 'industry standard' floppy interface.
> The strength and weakness of colorForth is an optimum fit of software to
> hardware. The weakness is that it only runs on harware it has been
> optimized for.
> The way I got colorForth to run on Asus and other motherboards was to
> disassemble the Asus BIOS int 13h calls and look for differences between
> Chuck's original code and the BIOS. What I found was the 'write to port
> 0E1h' time delay. Obviously, on other systems it will be different.
> What is the difference between using an industry standard BIOS call and
> directly accessing hardware that contains less than industry standard
> functions?
> Regards,
> Terry Loveall

I'm trying this on asus P4S333 M/B.

Can you send me your floppy working code as an attachment.

e.g. a straight working color.com file that I can load and then try and save
to make a bootable ColorForth.

To date, the ones I have tried have failed.

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