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[ColorForth] How to escape from loops

Alex Thiel wrote:

I can't seem to figure out how to escape from a FOR loop properly if some exceptional condition occurs. I want to write something like this:

: loop for cond? if default next ; then exception ;

After "exception" has been executed, the loop should terminate. I guess I have to shuffle the return stack a bit for this to work, but I don't know how.
Can anyone give me a hint?



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Your problem is that when both 'if' and 'for' compile they put the address to jump back to onto the stack. When 'next' and 'then' compile, they take the address to jump back to off the stack and compile a jump back to that address. So you've got to get your nesting right.

In your example

: loop for cond? if default next ; then exception ;

They overlap so the 'next' will be jumping back to the 'if' and the then will loop back to the 'for' which is not what you are trying to achieve.

This will work better.

: loop for cond? not if exception ; then exception next ;

As no doubt you know it still won't work since 'i' the counter is stored on the return stack. You need to get rid of that counter before you do the return. One way to do it is like this.

: loop for cond? not if exception pop drop ; then exception next ;

If you have to use a 'not' don't use the '-' as this doesn't update the flags. You'll have to figure out some craftyness. Adding zero to anything doesn't affect the value but updates the flags, though I'm sure there is a better way.

Richard Collins

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