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[ColorForth] code sharing

> Still you don't need ASCII to deal with HTML. If you
> need to write e-mail
> headers, or write HTTP headers hex will work, but it
> is very cryptic for
> something that is human readable.

Entering the hex equivalent codes for ASCII is still
ASCII.  It's just a more painful form of ASCII.
> Alternatively, you could use one of the unused tags
> as a ascii string
> tag. Richard Collins on his c4w page describes using
> blue words for such a
> purpose. Seems very appropriate if your application
> needs to write ASCII
> data.

Using "blue string" to encode ASCII literals is STILL
ASCII.  I'm really not following your point here.

> 25x is also of interest to me, I agree you need a
> different set of
> assuptions. The on chip memory is very small, so
> need to factor the
> problem very differently than the single chip large
> address space pentium
> machines.
> Mark

True.  But the different set of assumptions that I 
was thinking about dealt with application more than
hardware.  When talking about OKAD the main thing
you are communicating with is the computer.  Thus
having a "special" charecter set isn't a problem.
When talking about the web (client or server) it's
typically concerned with communicating with other
humans.  That requires dealing with things like
ASCII, Unicode ect.  Sure, you could still use the
colorForth charecter set in the "background" for
the source code, but at someone your system would
have to be able to import/process/export something
more extensive than the CF charecter set.  


John M. Drake

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