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[ColorForth] code sharing

--- Mark Slicker <maslicke@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, John Drake wrote:
> > 
> > Using "blue string" to encode ASCII literals is
> > ASCII.  I'm really not following your point here.
> >
> I thought you were linking the form the source code
> takes to it's ability
> to handle ASCII data. I was mistaken.

Ah.  I see.  I jumped tracks midstream.  My bad. :-)
I agree with you that the form the source takes is
not important.  I did see one code example of Forth
web programming where Forth source was intertwined
with HTML in an ASP-like way, but clearly there
are other methods for web server processing.  Anyway
currently CF doesn't have much built in to handle
ASCII as data (as opposed to source).  That will
have to change if certain programming tasks are
going to be tackled using it.  As for sharing
pre-parsed source, some good ideas have been
put forward in this discussion.  I'll be happy
to see what comes from this.


John M. Drake

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