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RE: [colorforth] abort

On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Samuel Falvo wrote:
>  1.  Extensive unit testing at the functional level.  Programmers write unit
> tests for each function-point, design-point, feature request, or whatever you
> want to call them.  XP calls feature requests "user stories."  There has been
> many people who observed the sheer similarity between unit tests and Djykstra's
> formal specifications (I think I misspelt his name, but you get the idea).

It was Dijkstra that said "Program testing can be used to show the
presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"

I have heard software methodology books occupy similar position in book
stores as diet books, yet poor software quality and obesity have become an
epdidemic. My guess is that where XP succeeds in relation to other
methodologies is that it is closer to no methodology at all. I can't
imagine applying any fixed methods to a creative process such as


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