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RE: [colorforth] FS/Forth for DOS: crude performance test

>Have you tried the Windows or Linux versions?  True,
>they're not exactly the same as hitting "bare metal"
>but they give you a good feel for "native" colorForth.
>Also does the S3 video chip support VESA?  There is
>a VESA version of ColorForth.

I'll give it a try. Not sure about S3/VESA, but I did see some
S3 VESA VBE (Video BIOS Extension) with a google search, which
I guess means it does have support. I guess you need drivers
for whatever OS you're running.

Hmmm, I wonder if Linux has VESA support? It is true I would 
not like to have an OS between colorforth and the hardware, but
at least I can play with it a bit...

Thanks for the suggestion.


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