Re: [colorforth] Re: How is colorForth different from other Forths?
- Subject: Re: [colorforth] Re: How is colorForth different from other Forths?
- From: "Samuel A. Falvo II" <kc5tja@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 20:33:11 -0800
On Friday 12 December 2003 07:05 am, Robert Patten wrote:
> Testing words in Other Forths leave a true/false flag on the
> stack for " if " and other branching
> words to remove and branch on false.
> In ColorForth " if " does not drop. No other branching words
> are necessary.
> In Pentium ColorForth previous words may set/reset, 0 and
> minus processor, flags for " if "or -if
> to branch on false. The Pentium colorForth " drop " does not
> change flags allowing "<test> drop if" constructs.
I would phrase it this way. It's a bit wordy though. Not sure how I'd
make it more succinct.
Testing words in classical Forths leave a true/false flag on the stack
for `if' and other branching words to use. These testing words then
consume the argument, and take steps to verify the boolean state of the
operand before performing the decision operation proper. While more
mathematically correct, it results in slower code in all but the most
advanced optimizing compilers due to redundant comparisons and multiple
branches (one for the comparison operator, one for the ``if'' or
``while'', et. al.). Avoiding decisions is therefore more important in
classical Forth than it is in other language environments.
However, ColorForth's `if' exposes the underlying microprocessor's
native test and control flow mechanisms directly, resulting in leaner,
faster comparisons at the expense of purity. This stems directly from
its MachineForth heritage, where the primary philosophy of MachineForth
is to ``exploit the built-in Forth CPU in every microprocessor.''
Because of this, its implementation and use is largely processor
specific. In the case of the Intel x86-series of CPUs, certain words
(such as arithmetic operations) modify the CPU's boolean flags, while
other words (such as stack permutation words like DROP) do not. Thus,
phrases such as ``<expression> drop if'' become possible. In other
environments, such as the 6809 or 65816 microprocessors, flags are
updated on almost every CPU instruction; therefore, ``drop if'' would
likely not work on these processors. Instead, either``<expr> if drop
... then drop ...'' would have to be used, or `if'' must consume its
Just as the ``if'' word exposes the zero-flag of the underlying
microprocessor, so too does ``-if'' expose the sign flag. If it were
necessary, it might be possible to expose the overflow flag via ``^if''
or some similar name. Current ColorForth and MachineForth
implementations do not have explicit overflow branch words, though they
are quite easy to add.
In the event where the state of the microprocessor's zero and sign
flags are unknown, the word ``?'' is provided to enforce the proper
settings of these flags, based on the current top of stack value. As
expected, ``?'' may or may not consume its argument, depending on the
nature of the underlying hardware.
For example, to convert a single hexadecimal character into its
numerical equivalent, we might code it like so:
( Classical Forth )
: hex# ( c-n) 48 - dup 9 > 7 and + ;
( 80x86 )
: hex# ( c-n) 48 - dup 10 - drop -if exit then 7 + ;
( 65816/6502/6809 )
: hex# ( c-n) 48 - dup 10 - -if drop exit then drop 7 + ;
Note that all of these will run with roughly equal performance, because
the classical ``>'' operator includes its own branch operation in most
> and digit map). Character icons are arranged in a Shannon-Fano
> order in the icon table , to maximize the number of icons that can be
> stored in the 28 bits available in the name object field of a word.
Here's a contribution to consider; I'm not sure if you want to put it in
or not.
Shannon-Fano encoding results in tight compression of text while also
minimizing the decoding complexity of the characters. Huffman encoding
would yield tighter compression, but the software for it would be rather
complex. Shannon-Fano encoding permits the use of table-lookups for
most of its core logic, while Huffman decoding requires bit-by-bit
Samuel A. Falvo II
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