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Re: [colorforth] ?dup

>I agree that redefining standard Forth words is bad practice. But that's
>just one consideration, and in the heat of the moment can get overlooked.
>Perhaps the optimizing word  ?dup  could be renamed  /dup . The original
>mnemonic intention was: is a  dup  necessary? The new mnemonic would be:
>cancel  dup  if possible.
>That is, if present use isn't entrenched?

I don't see why we need to be worrying about any of this. If it is a good
name, why not use it? (I am not sure why the Standard gets any say in
this matter.)

Personally, I find ?DUP more intuitive. My first impulse is that /DUP has
something to do with division. But, either one is fine by me.

-- Art

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