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Re: [colorforth] My ideal colorForth user interface:

On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Robert Patten wrote:

> ON Robert'swish list.
> Some ideas have been tested
> but have not been integrated into one source.
> Some ideas are still not compatible with each other......
> .........
>  Assign the center keys" t y  g h  and b n "  to forth words
> .........
> This will allow any source to be a keyboard map,
> .........
> More freedom, more responsibility, simpler.
>  Please post your ideal colorForth user interface
> integrating the features from others you like for discussion.
> Robert
> ------
 Nick here,

            Granted Robert's improvements to the keyboard, my ideal user
interface would primarily be a voice i/f because Forth is words.  My ideal
Forth computer would not be a box but a pillbox of capsules; each capsule
small enough to fit in a mouse or a hearing aid; power consumption low
enough to run for years on a hearing aid battery (or - fantasy - recharge
by absorbing small amounts of EM radiation eg, from the background EM
pollution in our modern environment).  Most capsules would use parallel
connectivity internally (for fast computation) but serial broadcast for
communication with each other; however some capsules would be capable of
making multiple branched serial connections, one-to-one, like neurones.
Ultimate fantasy:  every PC device however clunky (keyboard, motherboard,
bus, discdrives, mouse, modem, monitor, speaker etc) would reserve a
serial i/f for communication with or via a Forth capsule.  The Forth
language would do what it has always done: simplify connections between
the human brain and its artificial analogues.


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