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Re: [colorforth] Extending the character set - Take II

i think it is important to note that the colorforth char set was designed 
for colorforth coding. any documents for use on another machine would have 
to be translated to another format anyway, and while the "limited dvorak" 
keymapping is exsquite for coding in c4th, i would not like to use it for 
general work (now a full dvorak is another matter, i have set up afew macs 
for that). because of this i think it would be easier just to have you 
editor "understand" ASCII (or whatever format you exspect the other end to 
use) then to convert before you send. I beleave that it is alot easier 
for use to adapt to the rest of the world, then for them to adapt to us 
(if nothing else because of the "1% rule" (barried in www.colorforth.com))

just my humble thoughts,

"A Pax, a pax, a pax upon thee"

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