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Re: [colorforth] bulk transfer protocol

> Please impliment tcp/ip  and its complexity of sending blindly hoping
> that it is sending packets at the right rate.

Please note, I'm not writing a justification for the complexity of TCP. By
all accounts it apears consideration of congestion and performance were
after thoughts. The performance of TCP implementations is in spite of the
design of TCP, not because of it.

At the same time the very same algorithms and techniques that improve TCP
performance can and it seems must in some form be applied to any bulk
transfer protocol running over the internet.

>  I am sugesting a simpler way of achiving reliable delivery, where  the
> reciever has absoute control over the packets not the sender.  Where
> your bit array is used to mark blocks that need to be requested when the
> reciever needs them or when the reciver can accept them.  The
> application on the recieving device will automaticaly priatize which
> blocks are requested  next.  The transmiting device does not need to
> keep track of what has ben sent but not acknologed,or even retranmiting
> packets that were lost.

In my scheme, the sender only sends the block once whether or not it
reaches the reciever intact or at all. The reciever is responsible for
requesting retransmission. There are no aknowledgements.

> The  reciever asks for a block when it has the compasity to recieve it.
> If there is congestion the delay is longer and the time between requests
> is doubled.  When the time decreases, half the delay time for the next
> request.
> The reciver asks for blocks fast enough to keep its recive channel full.
> May even ask from multiple mirrored sources if the reciver is wider then
> the transmiters.  The  reciever stops asking for a block when it is
> recieved.
> Mirrored devices can pass this array around so each can know which
> blocks need to be updated before they are used or transmited in responce
> to a request.

I'm not sure I understand this, does the reciever send out requests a
certain rate?

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