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Re: [colorforth] explicit vs. implicit

On Sun, 15 Aug 2004, Samuel A. Falvo II wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 15 August 2004 01:11 pm, Mark Slicker wrote:
> > Lisp builds the tree explictly top down, Forth builds the tree
> > implictly bottom up. The differences probably carry with them various
> > advantages/disadvantages.
> The nice thing about either approach is that you can conduct type
> inferencing relatively easily.  This produces a language that, should
> you so desire it to be, is very type safe, but doesn't have any of the
> clutter, EXCEPT when defining leaf-nodes to the tree.

That is true, although I'm not sure the techinques developed for stack
inferencing have yet been implemented in a Forthish language. Haskell,
and Ocaml are two examples in typed-lambda class of languages.

A language like C might even be declared obsolete by todays standards, now
that techniques for type inferencing are well known.


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