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Re: [colorforth] Test message

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 20:44, Samuel A. Falvo II wrote:

> > It could well be that Symantec anti-virus thing too; I also got a
> > warning regarding my message containing, "Offensive content."

I don't use an anti-virus program per se, but something else that does a
similar thing.  It doesn't give bounce messages.

Apparently, there are at least Two users at different domains, One is no
longer a user and their mail server bounced to the original sender.

The Second, Mica.edu, is responding incorrectly with a virus response.

I'll delete the first and monitor the second.

> I learned since that Martin doesn't use anti-virus stuff on the mail 
> server (which is good; I'd never heard of such a thing anyway, except 
> for Microsoft Exchange servers).  It was just a guess at the time.
> Thanks.
> - --
> Samuel A. Falvo II

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