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RE: [colorforth] multitasking

Hi Mark,

The display task spends most of its time polling the display refresh flag -
it only redraws the display when there is a chance that the image will be
transferred to the video memory.
Since display and keyboard are asynchronous, separate tasks is a good

I would like to add at least two more tasks to handle serial and ethernet
comms, as these are asynchronous too. I would not use a generic task
creation word - it is much simpler to compile as many tasks as you need when
you re-build the system. But this must wait until all of cf is ported to cf
and it can build itself...



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Slicker [mailto:maslicke@xxxxxxxxxxx]

Is the second task in colorForth really needed? It seems the display can
clean up after itself, perhaps if you wanted to break the rendering into
chunks a 'pause' might be useful, the same effect could achieved by a
state variable however.


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