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RE: [colorforth] New Standard Keyboard


> Finally, I'd like to ask another question. For a metacompiling native
> Forth (any Forth, not just colorforth), how would you create a new
> image from the metacompiled source? Theres 3 ways I could think of,
> (1) Have it write to disk after it compiled (or just memory, whatever)
> (2) Compile it, then jump to a routine that overwrites the old kernel
> and replaces it with the new one
> (3) Choose which one from above with a word
> I'd prefer number 3, but maybe theres other considerations.

In 4IM, I (meta)-compile the new kernel in a buffer, then write it back
either on the sectors of the disk ( standalone ) or in a a .COM file ( DOS
version ).
Your second idea is a bit more sophisticated, and lets survive bugs across
regenerations of your kernel that the reset required by (1) kill ( suppose
you've trashed the Bios vector table, for instance ).


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