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Re: [colorforth] Chuck 2005-11-05 source, anyone?

Cor! Following the link on your site for the 8051 led me astray... Ahh, memories :) Still prefer the Z80 :P I've been out of the embedded loop for a while now, good to see they're getting better and better.
Aaaanyway: This is a PPC version? I'd be very interested!



On 10 Mar 2006, at 22:12, josh@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I've been somewhat curious what changes were made in the kernel in the
new colorforth, although I'm not a colorforther (I don't even own an x86
box).  But I did some searching, and AFAICT no one has disassembled it
back to source yet (I'll never understand you people).

And...I was bored today, so I started doing it myself.  I now have a
rough draft of the (nasm) source code for it.  Some of the data (the
huffman-encoded names, for instance) I didn't bother putting in source
form.  And there are a couple of the new addresses and routines for
which I haven't invented names.

I have what I wanted out of it, but it seems like it might be useful to the colorforth community. If there is interest, I'll consider finishing
it up to the point where it assembles correctly...



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