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Re: [colorforth] Chuck 2005-11-05 source, anyone?

On 3/10/06, josh@xxxxxxxxxxx <josh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've been somewhat curious what changes were made in the kernel in the
> new colorforth, although I'm not a colorforther (I don't even own an x86
> box).  But I did some searching, and AFAICT no one has disassembled it
> back to source yet (I'll never understand you people).
> And...I was bored today, so I started doing it myself.  I now have a
> rough draft of the (nasm) source code for it.  Some of the data (the
> huffman-encoded names,  for instance) I didn't bother putting in source
> form.  And there are a couple of the new addresses and routines for
> which I haven't invented names.
> I have what I wanted out of it, but it seems like it might be useful to
> the colorforth community.  If there is interest, I'll consider finishing
> it up to the point where it assembles correctly...
> Anyone?
> --Josh

Josh o' d' space e' s' a' e' l' P' Ray INTEREST + for emit next
listing dump Josh;

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