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Re: [colorforth] colorforth 2.0a for stand-alone and Windows use

The other day I was asking if anyone had problems with the work "homef" :

From the manual:

homef  is the word which does this***.  In 2.0a1 it must be executed
before any floppy operation is performed.  There should be no harm in
executing it repeatedly.

***What it does is described in the previous paragraph to this on and says:

Because we are able to boot now on a machine that does not have a
floppy disk at all, and because we have seen DMA chips walk memory
when a channel is enabled without a device attached to drive its
request line, the code in the boot routine which enabled the floppy
DMA has been factored out and as of 2.0a1 must be executed manually
before attempting floppy access after each boot.

A couple questions:

Is the manual written for a version called 2.0a1?
I believe so. Should cover 2.0a, I would expect.

Is the version of the software we are using 2.0a or 2.0a1 and are
there any significant differences between them that might include the
word "homef", maybe?

I the OkadWork.cf just lists itself on block 18 as 2.0a, and that's
why I am asking.


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