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Re: [colorforth] Problem with ColorForth 2.0

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:54 AM, John Drake <jmdrake_98@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> First off let me say that overall I like CF 2.0.  This is the first
> official release that runs under Windows (and native) and the
> first released with documentation.

I like it too. The documentation doesn't exactly match the software
and this is my motivation for the colorForth Community site, which
will appear in the very near future at Charles Childers ForthWorks

> That said I'm having a serious problem trying to recreate some of
> the programs I had written for the previous versions.  Namely anything
> using "UNPACK" doesn't work for me such as the "hello world"
> tutorials I did a while back.

I can not believe that I've never shared this with you, Like i totally
forgot about it while you were going over your code at your blog,

Many years ago, Tim Neitz and I were working on his Multi-Tasking
colorForth. He worked and I tested. Around the same time, Mark
Slicker, Tim and I would talk regularly in IRC Freenode #c4th chats.
We were talking about the need for colorForth written in colorforth
and both Tim and Mark came up with a total of 4 versions of the word
'accept'. I tested these as well.

Also about that time, Howard Oakford had finished his excellent
colorForth/colorBlind editor. Mark had the beginings of an editor in
early versions (still there, actually in blocks 70 and 72 IIRC) of
Roman's Windows version.

Starting with some code I was using to keep versions of blocks as I
created them, I added Marks code to that, and then ripped out just the
text rendering routines and the cursor movement routines from Howards

I used this to test that I could faithfully and completely render
displays exactly as they would appear in a color editor. This was for
Tim's multi-tasker, so that an editor could be started in another
window...  he had like 6 virtual consols.
Haveing the main editor runing in one, I thought it would be cool to
use part of an editor in consol as a block viewer, and then in another
console a modified editor, for what ever reason a modification might
need to be created.

I would test their 'accept's in these consols as well. stringing
together an accept with what I eventually called the Multi-viewer
created a faithful colorforth editor in colorforth source. Howards was
the example and is excellent and from it,  mine is bare bones and a
tad lighter.

The code is on blocks 70-72( not 71, that's were I moved Mark's
begining to the Keyboard) and 74 of the image at the link below.  It
always has done what you were asking your code to do. Adding accept
and it's an editor, otherwise it can view code in blocks exactly like
the editor rendering all words faithfully.

Separate out the cursor code and the keyboard and the blk variable
containment code and you have something that works like you are asking
your code to do.


> http://primarycolorforth.blogspot.com/2006/12/typing-colorforth.html
> http://primarycolorforth.blogspot.com/2006/12/typing-colorforthver-20.html
> http://primarycolorforth.blogspot.com/2006/12/typing-colorforthversion-30.html
> Regards,
> John M. Drake

I'll try your unpack soon as I get a chance, but I'm busy just now
with the new website coming up.

Fun by numbers, colors and words,

Raymond St. Marie ii,

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