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Re: [colorforth] if then else - but why is there no ‘else’ in colorForth?

On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Nick Maroudas wrote:

Nick here:  CF2 is only slow because it has been set to
load a full 80 cylinders (you can hear them clicking
away on the floppy).  But the core kernel and source
blocks occupy only the first 10 cyls.  Neither of my
will boot CF2 native kernel on a floppy (not CF's fault
but crappy hardware and local EMF pollution) so I've
resorted to two expedients:

1.  Boot Josh's CF05 then rd/wr the first 10 cyls of
CF2A in high RAM with:


2.  The zip package of CF2a for Windows has a program
CF2.EXE which is a bootloader for the native CF2A

A 3rd option for anyone who would like the more native experience, but need to run other software all day is run CF2a in virtualbox


It works pretty well for experimenting with the system, although I've noticed it tends to choke on saving the image back to disk. I haven't had time to figure out why, but that's how this cookie crumbles.

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