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Re: [colorforth] if then else - but why is there no ?else? in colorForth?

Quoting Albert van der Horst

>... " 
>... " Chuck Moore wanted to have if a meaning by
>... " itself. The same for
>... " then.
>... " Read this if you will:
>... "    conditional: w2  then-goon-with w3 ready
>... " >
>... " > in this one:
>... " >   : w1 if w2 ; then w3 ;
>... " 
>... " Now this makes sense too
>... "      conditional: w2 ready  maybe-goon-here: w3
>... " ready
>... " 
>... " >
>... " > Still perplexed,
>... " > Jason
>... " >
>... " 

On Wed 5 Nov Nick Maroudas wrote:  The fact that 

the new bootloader CF2.EXE can boot all 3 versions into
Windows (CF01, CF05 and CF2a) indicates a structural
similarity: it would be nice to
have a dissassembly of the native 
CF2a kernel from OkadWork.cf, to compare with the
dissassemblies that Karig, Tim and Terry 
made for CF01, and Josh's dissassembly of CF05.  The
dissassembly of CF2a will be short: a 
dump of blocks 0 to 17 reveals great swathes of zeros,
presumably where cpu code has been 
shifted to Forth source code.

Nick here:  I should have also acknowledged the
extensive work on assembly/disassembly of 

CF01 by 
Albert vander Horst, which I have just now downloaded. 


Apologies, Albert. Would it be much trouble to run a
disassembly of CF2a (OkadWork.cf blocks 

1 to 18)?  




"Growth like all pyramid schemes. leads to boom & bust."
- (with apologies to Albert van der Horst)

"It is hard to find a steady state solution in a
non-linear world" (with apologies to Henri Poincare')

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