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[colorforth] Rainbow Forth

Did you see this

It was premiered at the Forth Day last weekend




Rainbow Forth is an implementation of the colorForth dialect of the Forth programming language designed to run natively under Linux or Windows. Additionally there is now WebApp version experimentally hosted at: http://rainbowforth.appspot.com/.

This project is hosted by sourceforge.net and the project page is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rainbowforth/.

The latest version can be obtained via subversion using:
svn checkout http://rainbowforth.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rainbowforth

A semi-current web viewable version of the colorForth portion of the native version's source code is available here.

A snapshot of a Windows build of Native RainbowForth is available here.

Slides from two presentations on RainbowForth to the Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group are available here:
Native RainbowForth
WebApp RainbowForth

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