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Date: 09 Sep 94 14:21:41 EDT
From: Chuck Moore <73662.1545@compuserve.com>
To: Jeff Fox <jfox@netcom.com>
Subject: F21

64 PADS    A10  P7  P6  P5 Vdd Vss  P4  P3  P2  P1
            21  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12
      A11 22                                      11 P0
      A12 23                                      10 RAM
       Ao 24                                       9 8RAM
       Ai 25                                       8 CAS
        B 26                                       7 RAS
        R 27                                       6 WE 
        G 28                                       5 A9
       Vo 29                                       4  8
       Vi 30                                       3  7
      CLK 31                                       2  6
          32                                       1  5
      Vdd 33                                      64  4
      Vss 34                                      63  3
       So 35                                      62  2
       Si 36                                      61  1
          37                                      60 A0
      D19 38                                      59 D0
       18 39                                      58  1
       17 40                                      57  2
       16 41                                      56  3
       15 42                                      55  4
       14 43                                      54  5
            44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53
            13  12  11  10  Vdd Vss  9   8   7   6   
   64-Pin DIP:  pins 1-64 same as pads 1-64
   68-Pin PLCC:   x 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9
               25                                                   x
               26                                                   8
               27                                                   7
               28                                                   6
               29                                                   5
               30                                                   4
               31                                                   3
               32                                                   2
               33                                                   1
               34                                                  64
               35                                                  63
               36                                                  62
               37                                                  61
               38                                                  60
               39                                                  59
               40                                                  58
                x                                                  57
                 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 x
   Ai  A12 A10 P6  Vdd P4  P3  P1  P0 SRAM    25 23 21 19 17 15 14 12 11  9
   R   Ao  A11 P7  P5  Vss P2 FRAM CAS RAS    27 24 22 20 18 16 13 10  8  7
   G   B                        x  WE  A9     28 26                 x  6  5
   Vi  Vo                          A8  A7     30 29                    4  3
   14M             top             A6  A5     31 32                    2  1
   Vdd Vss         view            A4  A3     33 34                   64 63
   So  Si                          A1  A2     35 36                   61 62
       D19                         D1  A0     37 38                   58 60
   D18 D17 D15 D12 Vdd D9  D7  D5  D3  D0     39 40 42 45 48 50 52 54 56 59
   D16 D14 D13 D11 D10 Vss D8  D6  D4  D2     41 43 44 46 47 49 51 53 55 57

   5 1Mx4 Page-mode DRAMs: Toshiba TC514400APL-80
   3 8Kx8 15-ns SRAMs
   1 8-bit PCMCIA card


   CPU - 200 to 300 Mips

   00 jump   08 R@+    10 COM    18 POP
   01 IF     09 @+     11 2*     19 A
   02 call   0A #      12 2/     1A DUP
   03 -IF    0B @      13 +*     1B SWAP
   04        0C R!+    14 -OR    1C PUSH
   05        0D !+     15 AND    1D A!
   06 ;      0E        16        1E NOP
   07        0F !      17 +      1F DROP


Write to pattern 1C1000:   0-7  data
                         10-17  direction: pattern 00000 input
                                                   3FC00 output
Read from 1C1000:   0-7  pad
                    8-9  0
                  10-17  direction
                  18-19  0



   An 11-bit register is counted-down every CLK (14.32 MHz for NTSC).
It is reset from C at when it reaches 0.  Thus it ticks at some
rate from 14 MHz to 7 KHz.  C is to be loaded with a value for a
11-bit pseudo-random shift register (C0 = C10 -or C8).

   A data word is read, then written to DRAM every tick.  Bits 19-13
are sent to a binary 6-bit D-A converter.  Current output is 0 - 100 mA.
The word is re-written with bits 5-0 from a 6-bit A-D converter. A
64-entry table look-up provides the corresponding binary value.
Conversions take 70 ns or so (depending on amplitude) over a range of
0 - 2.5 V.  Thus signals up to 14 MHz can be handled.  At high rates,
memory bandwidth is of concern.

   Addresses do not increment beyond 10 bits.  That is, 0FFFFF increments
to 0FFC00.  Thus analog output cycles within a DRAM page.

   If bit 10 is set the CPU is interrupted.  At its next instruction
fetch a call to 000000 will be inserted.  The interrupt is automatically

   The CPU sets the rate and 2 control bits in C.  Bit 18 is on/off.
If bit 1 is set, the next address the CPU provides will be incremented
and latched into the address register.  Thus the CPU must execute
the code
      : ADDRESS ( a)   3BFFF p com a! nop
         @ 2 # -or nop
         ! a! @ drop ;
with both ! and @ in the same word, to set the address.  Bit 1 is
automatically reset, the other bits are undisturbed.  The next analog
word will be the one after the address.

   Address      21    0-20 DRAM only
   Data         12
   Buffer       13    0-5  input
                      6-9  0
                       10  interrupt
                    13-19  output
   Clock        13   pattern 1C2000:    1  address from CPU
                                     6-16  rate
                                       18  on/off (0 at reset)


                 #  pattern
   000000 - 0FFFFF          DRAM
   180000 - 1BFFFF          slow 8-bit RAM
   1C0000 - 1FFFFF          fast     "
   100000 - 101FFF          slow RAM
   140000 - 141FFF          fast  "
                    1C1000  I/O port
                    1C2000  analog clock
                    1C4000  serial clock
                    1E0000  configuration
                            bit     0  video on
                                18-19  8RAM page


     CPU        Audio      Video      Serial
   P 1AAAAA     0xxxxx     0AAAAA     0xxxxx
     page 3     off        off        off