No Subject
- To: MISC
- From: lowry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Lowry)
- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 95 13:59:49 CDT
- Posted-Date: Wed, 30 Aug 95 13:59:49 CDT
On the subject of evaluation boards for F21, here's my short "wish list" for
amenities that didn't get onto Ting's P21 board. I know this raises the
cost, but I have the feeling many people didn't do much with their P21
evaluation boards due to lack of soldering, etc. skills.
1) A decoupling capacitor for *each* chip.
2) More silk-screened labels.
3) Pads for DB-9/DB-25 for serial/parallel i/o.
4) Holes at corners for mounting feet/standoffs.
5) Option for cheaper 256K DRAMS.
6) Pads for PC mount jacks for video, power, etc.
7) Option for RS-232 level shifter (Maxim 233 or equiv.) for those of
us that find -10 volts into TTL scary.