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Re[2]: P64 Math

>When you hit 32 bits I think it's worthwhile to use some sort of carry
>propagate acceleration. Something like a carry skip adder doesn't cost too
>much silicon, and will be *much* faster than a ripple adder for wide words.

>I've been looking at 64 bit arithmetic recently, and (for the silicon we use)
>the tradeoffs do seem to change between 32 & 64 bit operations. For a fast 64
>bit processor, where addition may be a bottleneck, a good optimised adder would
>be essential - either a carry skip adder for medium speeds, a hybrid carry
>select adder (such as the one the Alpha uses) for fast speeds. If the word 
>width grew beyond 64 bits, or *very* fast addition was the aim then bizarre 
>adder architectures (Prefix adders, such as Brent-Kunge or Kogge-Stone (sp?)) 
>start looking like a good idea. They're pretty expensive on silicon, 

Thanks for the comment - I was hoping someone familiar with different 
implementations could tell us about them, and you did.  A little more info on 
the prefix adders would be interesting.

What about multiplication?  The +* instruction looked slick for a really minimal
CPU, but also looks very limiting for any future P32 or P64.  Imagine stringing 
32 sequences of  +* 2/ nop nop ... together on a P64 to multiply two 32 bit 
numbers.  Can a multiply operation be broken up into larger chunks?  I'm 
imagining using a little ROM-type table of 4 bit by 4 bit multiplications, then 
stringing these together with larger (4 bit) shifts and 32 or 64 bit adds.  This
would be a little closer to doing multiplication with digits, as most of us do 
when working with decimal digits on paper.  This approach is a little different 
than the array of full-adder units operating on individual bits that was 
described in the recent past.  Would there be a speed improvement by using table
lookups as part of the multiplication process?  Would it be simpler or more 
complicated to design?  More or fewer transistors?
Michael A. Losh                       Standard disclaimers apply.