Integer Maths/[CAtlantis
- To: misc (misc)
- Subject: Integer Maths/[CAtlantis
- From: Wayne Morellini <waynem1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 14:11:09 +1000 (EST)
Sorry about the header this system I'm using remotely still has problems
with the host system.
Well thanks for the advise on integer maths, it will be usefull. I even
had one guy email me that it had nothing to do with misc, I don't kjnow
wherte he turned up from but it is VERY essential to a competitive Misc
model. Choosing the right blen of integer intstructions effects directly
the through put and performance of the processor competing with coventional
processors, if we want to
succeed in a new model of computing against theexisting crowd then this will
have to be so.
The Idea also about a lego computer brought up recently in also a very good
idea. The Japanese made lego style robotics a few years ago, of the sourt
About the mentrix??? described, I have not kept up with it but I must say
that a few nights ago on the TV news I sawe an announcement of a computer
that actually could think, which is going on the market shortly. Lots of
references to how good it was and the first of it's kind (yes really does
reason out like a human being). Invented by a Perth Australia Based guy who
reportly 'didn't even kjnow there was an alphapbet when he was 13.
So I think the crown may allready be gone.